Dorian's Mate Page 12
They’d only blinked before they materialized in the family room where his and Cerita’s parents along with Anthony and Dorian’s parents. Anthony arrived a few moments later coming through the front door.
“Okay can someone tell me what the hell is going on and what the hell happened with the little prick and his sick ass father?” he stormed.
“Anthony Maurice Latouche, you will watch your language and tone.” Kim snapped at her son, causing him to quickly murmur an apology.
“If everyone will have a seat I think we can get everyone’s questions answered quickly.” Dorian suggested. He wanted it done fast so he could get everyone out so he and his mate could be alone. Once everyone was seated he introduced Harland Gustov and turned the floor over to him.
“I guess I should start with the beginning. Eustis’ father Eric Manning, is my best friend, he was a mortal man that knew all about the immortal world and has worked with me as my personal secretary. He has helped me and others create a secret group that works to stop immortals from using their gifts or powers to manipulate mortals or those that prey on mortals purely for pleasure. Eric had saved my life when I had been tracking a rogue immortal who had a penchant for feeding off of humans. I’d tracked him downtown and I was in hot pursuit and not paying attention to my surroundings nor did it occur to me that he had people working with him, because of my single minded focus I walked right into an ambush and they really did a job on me,” He paused to accept the drink Glenda handed him taking a deep drink before he continued.
“Eric found me damn near bleeding to death and got me out of there and to his place where he hid me and kept me safe until I could heal and regain my strength. After about two days I had to tell him about my need for blood and instead of tossing me out on my ass he broke into a blood bank and got me what I needed. He even did recon and located the rogue and his cohorts and even though I was heeled, but not at full strength, Eric insisted on going along with me and helped me round up the rogues, before I called in the extraction team.
“From that moment on Eric and I worked together like a team rounding up rogues until he met and fell in love with the woman that became his wife. Once he had a family I convinced him to take a more behind the scenes role, which made me feel so much better because I hated worrying that something would happen to him and that I’d be responsible.”
“So what happened between Eric and his son?” No one missed the guilt that crossed Harland’s face before he answered.
“Eric had made the mistake of telling his son about his other life, thinking he would pass the job down to his only son, but unfortunately Eustis was just the opposite of his father. He was a vain, spoiled and very selfish and his thought was for all that his father did for immortals, he should have been rewarded with more than just a job as a flunky. Apparently he was trying to get specific information out of Eric and when Eric realized what he was trying to do, he cut him off. That act pushed Eustis over the edge and so he used what information he’d already gained and made a deal with one of the rogues to gift him some of their powers. What Eustis didn’t know was the rogue only gifted him for a limited time, but he did tell him that if he found a powerful enough witch, he could use the powers gifted to him to control the witch and her powers.”
“That is what made him come after me,” Clarissa stated.
“Yes that is why he decided to come after you, he’d also planned to kill his father in hopes that with Eric out of the way he would gain all the information he had been given over the years. What he didn’t know is that Eric never put anything down on paper, everything was locked away in that steel brain of his and there was no getting it out unless he allowed you too.” Harland stood and walked over to the fireplace feeling the need to walk. It always happened whenever he recounted almost losing his best friend.
“I was in a meeting in England, Eric had stayed home because his wife’s health was failing and he wanted to be there when the time came. He was in his study and we were communicating telepathically and all of a sudden our connection was severed. I knew something had happened to him as that would be the only reason he would have cut me off so abruptly. I excused myself and flashed myself to his study and found him lying in a pool of his own blood. As soon as I touched him I saw what had happened, I quickly got him to one of our healers and they were able to save him, but I kept the information away from Eustis, I even went so far as to have a funeral. Unfortunately while Eric was being healed his wife passed in her sleep. We held a separate and private funeral for her where only Eric and I attended. I didn’t worry about Eustis because I knew the powers were only limited, but then I heard about what had happened to him when he’d tried to abduct you. When you finished with him, I arrived and I found I had a little vengeful part inside of me and I added to the damage that you’d inflicted. I told myself that I was doing it to save the world from the likes of him, but I know now that I did it to get back at him for what he’d tried to do to Eric.”
“You love Eric like a father, don’t you?” Cerita stated.
“Yes even though I was a hundred years older than he was when I was injured and he tended to me I felt this connection to him. As we began to work together, if I would plan one way, he’d say ’Well son, let’s think about this for a moment.’ And then he’d give me another scenario that would work better. It was like that with anything that bothered me I’d immediately go to Eric and talk it out with him. When he cut off our connection I felt as if I’d lost my father and I went against everything that I’d been taught, because I couldn’t let him go especially at the hands of a worthless piece of shit like Eustis. So I got him healed and kept him hidden from Eustis.”
Dorian looked over at his father and Anthony’s father and knew that if he or Anthony were in the same position they would have done the same thing so he completely understood. “I know that any one of us in this room would have done the same thing so there is nothing for you to feel ashamed of, but what happens with Eustis and his son now?” Dorian inquired.
“He probably won’t survive the wipe that he’ll have to undergo. His son might, but I sincerely hope that he doesn’t either, he knows too much and normally a wipe will work and be less painful when there isn’t too much memory to wipe clean.”
“Can someone tell me what happened with Warren?” Anthony asked.
“I’ve put my selfish nephew in the same place we put other rogue immortals. For years I pleaded with my sister to turn his raising over to me, but she wouldn’t hear of it and she gave him any and everything he wanted no matter what. For years she made up excuses for him until finally I cut her out of the equation. Now my sister is only concerned with her grandchildren from her daughter and I have the responsibility to right the wrongs that my nephew initiated. I apologize for what he intended to do to you and your mate Dorian and I can assure you that he will never be in a position to cause any more trouble.”
Dorian walked over to where Harlan stood and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You have nothing to apologize for, and Warren is a grown man and made each and every decision on his own. I do have to thank you for helping us eliminate the threat to my mate and for that I will be eternally indebted to you.” Dorian noticed the way his mate’s eyes were drooping and knew it was time to get her to bed. “I think we’ve covered everything I don’t want to be rude, but I think it’s time for all of you to go so that I can get my mate to bed.”
Everyone turned to see Cerita dozing on the sofa, when Dorian lifted her into his arms she came awake.
“I’m sorry I just couldn’t seem to keep my eyes open.” she said snuggling into Dorian’s arms.
Clarissa walked over to where her son-in-law stood holding her baby girl. “It’s okay honey, I’m sure with all the excitement our grandbaby is just a little worn out.”
Glenda and Kim nodded their agreement as they surrounded Dorian and Cerita.
Cerita’s eyes popped open at her mother’s words and her hand immediately went to her stomach.
r /> “Are you sure mommy?” she asked in a soft voice filled with awe.
“Yes baby, we’ve suspected it for some time now so I’ve made an appointment with your doctor tomorrow morning. Now why don’t we all get out of here so that you can get your rest.”
Clarissa gave Cerita and Dorian a kiss as did Glenda and Kim. His uncle and father also gave Cerita a kiss and patted him on the back. This was repeated by Cedrick and Anthony. Finally they were alone and Dorian had to sit back down before his legs gave out.
“What honey, am I to heavy now and you can’t carry me?” Cerita asked jokingly.
Dorian buried his face in her hair as he held her tight his arms shaking, “I’m going to be a daddy.” he whispered his voice wavering slightly. His hand moved to rest on her stomach where he rubbed gently.
“Why don’t you take me to bed handsome so we can celebrate our good news?” she suggested.
Chapter Twenty
Dorian sat in the waiting room nervously tapping his fingers against his thighs while Cerita was being examined by the doctor. The women sitting around him did everything possible, besides walking up and sitting on his lap, to get his attention. When he leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees and his raven colored hair slipped around his face like a curtain the women groaned and fanned themselves, he looked up quickly when his name was called.
“Mr. Latouche, if you will please follow me.”
He quickly stood to his full height and again the woman moaned loving the way the faded blue jeans hugged his tight ass and the way his muscles rippled with each and every step that he took. The women stared craning their necks to watch the magnificent specimen until he disappeared behind the door.
“Is everything okay with Cerita?” he asked the nurse as he followed her.
“Yes sir, the doctor just wanted to speak with both of you just in case you had any questions.”
The nurse led him into the doctor’s office where she knocked once before opening the door. His eyes immediately went to his mate who was seated before the desk. The doctor was a fiftyish female with salt and pepper hair coloring and her skin was the color of rich caramel.
“Come on in Dorian. I’m Doctor Ross, go ahead and have a seat,” she instructed as she walked around her desk and shook his hand. “First I want to say congratulations on becoming a father, but before we go any further there is something your mate would like to tell you.”
Dorian was a little shocked that the doctor referred to Cerita as his mate, but the thought didn’t last when he saw the look on Cerita’s face. “Honey what is wrong?” he asked going down on his knees before her.
Cerita cupped his face as tears filled her eyes, “Well honey you know how your dad and uncle are twins?” she asked, at his nod she continued, “Well honey we aren’t going to have just one baby, but two.”
Dorian sat back on his heels, there was a buzzing in his ears and he wasn’t sure that he’d heard her right. He looked at her stomach and then back at Dr Ross, “Two babies? We are having twins?”
Cerita nodded and he jumped up excitedly pumping his fist in the air, before scooping his mate up and planting a big kiss on her lips.
Dr. Ross laughed at the young man’s excitement. It warmed her heart to see a couple so well suited be happy about the birth of their children. “If you are ready I think I can answer a few of the questions that normally come to mind. Yes, Dorian will still be able to feed from you, because your body will make the adjustment to create the nutrients needed for your babies and for your mate. You will still be able to have sexual intercourse until it becomes uncomfortable for either one of you.”
They listened as she reeled off answers to general and common questions that were normally asked. “Can I ask one question?” Dorian asked.
Dr. Ross nodded.
“How is it that you know about immortals, granted I know there are mortals that are aware of us, but I’ve just never heard of a mortal being a doctor for immortals?”
Leona Ross took the seat that Cerita had been sitting in before Dorian placed her on his lap. “I was blessed enough to meet and fall in love with my husband who just happens to be an immortal. We’ve been together for several hundred years, when Nathan and I met he’d been injured and I took him to my place and kept him there until he’d healed. When he’d been hurt, he revealed to me that he was an immortal. I questioned him about who he would normally go to on other occasions and when he told me that they normally had to treat themselves or each other, considering it wasn’t much that could kill an immortal. Because I had fallen in love with him, the thought of losing him since there wasn’t a doctor who was knowledgeable to handle the care of immortals from the routine to the life threatening. Once Nathan was healed, I made it my mission to learn all I could and when I found myself pregnant with our first of four children, I knew I would have to make sure that there were others who could take over when I was unavailable.”
They visited with the Dr. Ross for another thirty minutes before they left with a prescription for prenatal vitamins. They weren’t surprised to see their mothers along with Anthony’s at the mansion waiting on them.
“So what did Leona say?” Glenda asked as soon as they entered.
“Well all of you were right, you are going to be grandparents and grand-aunt and uncle, but not to one baby but two.”
The women screamed and hugged each other before they hugged Cerita and then Dorian. “We’ve made dinner for you and we want you guys to enjoy and we’ll see you tomorrow for the rehearsal dinner.” Clarissa informed them as they all headed out.
“Come on love, let me feed my babies.” he commented scooping her up into his arms.
“Honey, I’m not an invalid I can walk and the doctor said that I needed to get all of the exercise I can.”
“In due time baby, but for now indulge me.”
Staring up into his eyes she knew that she wouldn’t be able to deny him.
“Carry me away my love.”
The End
Author Bio:
I am very happily married mother of two. My husband is my soul mate and one of my greatest inspirations. I have a 22 year old daughter and a 17 year old son and two wonderful grandson’s Angel (Jack Russell Terrier) and Sebastian (Toy Pincher).
My favorite things to do are: spending time with my family, settling down with a good book and letting my imagination run wild while I'm writing. I've been writing stories for family and friends for about thirteen years and I have enjoyed every moment of it.
Books out by YL Stokes
Red Rose Publishing
Resemblance-available in ebook and print
Found Love-available in ebook
Dorian’s Mate
New Beginnings-coming soon