Dorian's Mate Page 9
Cerita threw her arms around his neck as she planted kisses all over his face. “I knew you’d come around honey and I know you will protect me and no harm will come to me at all.”
Dorian groaned torn between locking her away to keep her safe and giving her what she wanted just to make her happy.
Chapter Fourteen
Cedrick walked into his brother-in-law’s office hoping his wife would be too occupied to realize that he was blocking her. “We need to make this quick, my mate is going to get really suspicious when she realizes I’m blocking.”
Dorian nodded, and gave Cedrick and Anthony what he’d discovered from his quick scan of Cerita’s ex.
“I think it’s his father,” Cedrick said once Dorian was finished. “From what my guys can tell me, the old man is the one pulling Ben’s strings. There was an incident some years ago apparently Ben’s father learned about my mother and her being a descendant of a very powerful and ancient witch. In his mind if he controlled my mother he could control her powers. In an attempt to kidnap her he was seriously injured and paralyzed and now confined to a wheelchair.”
Dorian leaned back trying to keep his anxiety under wraps knowing that if it spiked Cerita would know it. “So this bastard thinks to use his son to get my mate to use her powers…to what get revenge on your mother because if his stupidity.”
Anthony stood pacing, “Not only do we have Warren trying to play his little game, now we have a threat from a crazy old man, hell I say we take Ben and his father out of the mix, but either way it goes we are going to have to tell Cerita.”
Dorian closed his eyes sighing deeply. “Does your mom know about what the old man had tried to do?” Dorian asked.
“Hell yes, she is the reason he’s paralyzed. He tried to kill dad to get to mom and mom wasn’t having it so she used her power to crush his spinal cord.”
Dorian sat up as Anthony stopped pacing to stare at his new cousin.
“Is Cerita as powerful as your mother?” Anthony asked.
“Yes and then some now that she’s bonded with Dorian. Ben’s father knew mother was powerful, but he didn’t know that her powers had tripled because she and dad had bonded so when he tried to take dad out mom went Amazon on him.”
Dorian stood and walked over to the huge window behind his desk. “We need everyone together to let them know what is going on. We have two threats against my mate and I’ll be damned if I allow either of those bastards to lay a finger on her.”
Cedrick agreed “I’ll contact mom and dad we’ll meet at your place around six.”
As soon as her brother walked into the shop she knew something was wrong, “I need for you guys to go ahead and close up we have to meet the family at the mansion.”
She was about to question her brother, but Dorian stopped her.
“We’ll explain everything as soon as everyone gets here.”
Cerita kept her questions to herself until everyone arrived. She sat stunned not believing what she’d just learned about her mother. “Mom you actually crushed the man’s spinal cord?”
Clarissa nodded, “I sure did there was no way in hell I was going to allow that bastard to hurt my mate and get away with it. I thought I’d given him something to remember me by so he wouldn’t get any ideas, but I guess I was wrong.”
Clarke rubbed his wife’s back soothingly knowing how what she’d done protecting him had affected her.
“I should have killed that bastard instead of paralyzing him.” Clarissa confessed to her mate.
“No baby, it wasn’t your place to kill him, you can barely deal with the guilt of paralyzing him so there is no way you would have been able to deal with the guilt from his death.”
Clarissa knew he was right, but now the bastard was using his son to threaten her baby girl. Kim and Glenda surrounded her each giving her the comfort only a mother could give to another. Clarrisa was touched and soothed by the comfort coming from the two women and she knew that they, just as she would give her life to protect her little girl.
“It was my fault, I ran head first into his set up and my mate had to come in and save my ass.” Clarke confessed.
“Don’t feel bad Clarke we’ve all been in that situation. It’s just like I explained to Dorian, it’s hard not to rush in and protect our mates. I did the same thing when there was a threat to Glenda and Austin did the same when Kim was threatened and on both occasions our mate’s had to come to our rescue.” Both Anthony and Dorian were shocked as they’d had no idea this had transpired.
“I think that Eustis is hoping to use Cerita to heal him and then he wants to control her powers.” Clarrisa said to the room at large.
Dorian nodded agreeing with his mother-in-law, “I think you are absolutely right and I think we need to know exactly where Eustis is hiding out and take care of him. I’m figuring once he’s taken out of the picture then Ben will back off.”
Cedrick pulled out his phone and made a quick call, “I have the guys searching for him, we know he has to be somewhere close because that is the only way he’s able to control Ben. Somehow he found someone to gift him the power to use mind control, but only over Ben.”
Dorian sighed, he could feel the compassion coming from his mate and he had a feeling, what she was about to suggest.
“Do you think if we can get Ben away from his father and intervene, maybe break the hold he has over him.”
Clarrisa went to her daughter knowing what she was feeling. “Honey, that is what I thought to do with Eustis, we can’t help but feel compassion for anyone even someone as evil as Eustis. I don’t want you to make the mistake that I made, which almost cost me the life of my mate. Although I’m sure there is some mind control on Eustis’s part, I can also sense Ben has the same evil inside him that his father has.”
Cerita had a feeling that her mother was right and although it bothered her she wasn’t going to risk Dorian to confirm their suspicious.
“Now that we know about the double threat to my new daughter we need to discuss her protection tomorrow night at this fundraiser.”
Dorian looked stunned. “What fundraiser?” he demanded.
Everyone seemed to look everywhere but at him, Anthony started laughing hysterically. “Cuz, do you know the fundraiser that you are invited to every year and every year you turn them down and send a huge donation?”
Dorian glared at his cousin wondering what he found so damned amusing.
“Well cuz, that same fundraiser is sponsored by your mate’s family.”
His eyes quickly shot to his mate. “Are you saying that if had I gone to just one of those fundraiser’s I would have met you then?”
Everyone in the room laughed at the incredulous look on his face.
“I guess that goes to show us that fate won’t be stopped.” Clarke commented.
“I suppose I need to go out and get a new tux to wear to the fundraiser huh?” He muttered under his breath.
Everyone laughed knowing how much he detested fundraisers but knew he would attend because it would make his mate happy and that is what he lived for.
Chapter Fifteen
Dorian sat across from the owner and his son who were to be the first of the companies they planned on saving. Needless to say the father and son duo weren’t very receptive to their plan.
“Mr. Latouche, why is it that all of the sudden now you change your plan? Just a few days ago you were buying my company to sell it off in pieces just like you’ve done with so many other companies in the past?”
Dorian smiled at the older man. “You are right Mr. Dempsey, and a few days ago your company along with others within my pipeline were being reviewed and prepped for take over. My cousin and I have decided to change the direction of our business. I’m not going to apologize for the way we did our business in the past, because every action we took was on the up and up and legal. Now we want to help companies that are on the brink of bankruptcy, instead of taking them over and selling them off. We intend to offer our h
elp and financial backing to bring the company back into the black.”
The man stared at Dorian as if trying to determine if he could believe what the young man was offering.
“Look Mr. Dempsey, my cousin and I are only offering our help and financial aid. You don’t have to accept it, but you must realize there are other companies looking to do the same thing we used to do.” Anthony interjected.
Dorian checked his watch and realized they would be cutting it close and they still had to get ready for the fundraiser. “May I use your phone?” Dorian asked knowing that he needed to call Cerita.
“All we are asking is that you look over the contract we’ve drawn up and have your attorney review it also.” Anthony waited while father and son conferred. Their attention was drawn to Dorian’s phone conversation.
“Hey sweetheart, the meeting is going a little longer than we’d anticipated so we’ll stop by Anthony’s and shower and dress and meet you guys at the Sheridan.”
Anthony shook his head at the love sick sound of his cousin’s voice. “Dorian’s fiancé’s family sponsor the Kids First Fundraiser and Dorian hates to disappoint her.” He explained seeing the puzzled look on their faces.
“Honey, you don’t have to come if this is going to take longer than you thought.” Cerita suggested.
“No baby, I want to be there with you and I will be. I want you to ride with Cedrick and Stephanie that way I don’t have to worry about you going there by yourself.”
Cerita wanted to argue but knew he was worried enough and he didn’t need any more worries.
“I’m sorry about that, but we really need to get going. Like Anthony said, just review the agreement and you’ll see that we are willing to go out on the limb here and you guys have nothing to lose.”
Mr. Dempsey stood holding out his hand, “I understand trying to keep the little woman happy and I agree to review the contract and have my attorney review it and then we’ll meet back here in a couple of days.”
Cerita entered the ballroom with her brother and sister-in-law, her parents along with Dorian’s and Anthony’s parents were already here. She hated these parties just as much as Dorian did, but she knew she didn’t have a choice due to her family’s obligation.
“Now it’s our obligation.” Dorian said using their mental path having felt her resolve.
“God I love you so much. How far away are you?” She said feeling immediate relief from his mental touch.
“We are less than an hour away and should be there soon and I love you too sweetheart.”
Seeing the grin on his daughter-in-law’s face Avery knew that she was getting a reassuring touch from his son. “Hello baby girl, you are looking as beautiful as ever.” He commented enveloping her in to his warm embrace. He told the truth about her being as beautiful as ever especially with all of the ogling looks she was receiving from all of the males present. The white shimmering gown she wore hugged each and every curve of her body. The strapless and semi backless dress was a work of art and his new daughter wore it as such.
Sherri stared at the black bitch not believing she would have the nerve to show up here. “How dare she be here cozying up to Dorian’s father like a floozy?” Sherri said aloud.
“Well considering her family is responsible for this fundraiser and as a matter of fact her family created and started the Kids First program and has had the fundraiser each year since the programs inception.”
Sherri turned and glared at the man standing next to her having no idea as to who he was and she hadn’t asked for his commentary.
Warren stood behind the two in the shadow listening to what the young man had to say. His eyes remained on the beauty Dorian had claimed for himself and she was indeed a lovely creature and sexy as hell. The white strapless dress cupped and hugged her full breasts and nice rounded ass. His cock swelled with the thought of filling her completely and taking her making her beg for mercy…just like all the others. He’d made it a point to give all of Dorian’s ex’s a taste of his brand of love making and he intended to do the same to the woman that had so effectively captured Dorian’s heart. He couldn’t wait to see the look on the bastard’s face when he lost his one true love.
Dorian’s eyes scanned the huge ballroom for his mate and found her in the midst of a group of people each vying for her attention. He let out a low growl when he noticed the other men ogling her with hunger and lust in there eyes, hell they were practically salivating.
“Down cuz, they can look all they want, but she’ll always come home with you and you know she only has eyes for you.” Anthony said placing a restraining hand on his cousin’s shoulder. He tried not to laugh at the murderous look on Dorian’s face.
“Baby, I don’t care how much they look none of them have a chance to get what belongs to you.”
He smiled at her words and calm settled over him removing the rage at seeing her surrounded by the ogling males.
Anthony shook his head at his cousin praying that when he met his mate he didn’t act as besotted as Dorian was.
Cerita had felt his presence as soon as he’d entered the room and she’d also felt his anger. She turned to smile up at him just as he reached her, holding out her hand to him as she drew him into the circle to introduce him. “Everyone I’d like for you to meet my fiancé Dorian Latouche.”
Dorian slid his arm possessively around her waist as he smiled at those around him.
She knew that smile and it was lethal to every woman present hell she could see them swooning any moment now.
Cerita quickly excused herself and Dorian from the group needing a moment alone with her mate. She led him over to an alcove cupping his face in her hands giving him a quick kiss. “Are you okay, baby I got the impression that things didn’t go to well with Mr. Dempsey.”
Dorian leaned his forehead against hers letting out a deep cleansing breathe, “It wasn’t as easy as I thought or hoped that it would be, but now that I’m here with you I’m much better.”
She knew he spoke the truth feeling the irritation he’d felt earlier when he’d called her to let her know the meeting was running over, wasn’t there any longer.
“I’m glad you made it and I know it will all work out with you and Mr. Dempsey.”
Dorian couldn’t resist her full lips and without caring who saw them he captured her mouth with his.
Clarke looked over at his daughter and son-in-law and smiled.
“I hear you are getting a new son-in-law?” Terrance Dempsey said from beside him.
Clarke turned to the man smiling, “Yes I am and fine young man he is and I know he’ll keep my baby girl happy.”
Terrance smiled. “I hope that is the case because I hear he is ruthless.”
Clarke chuckled, “Aren’t we all ruthless when it comes to business, but I know what you are referring too. Dorian was ruthless when he took over companies and was just a ruthless in his dealings when he would sale them off, but what no one knows is that not one employee of those companies were jobless. Dorian made sure that the employees had the option to go with the company or accept a job at one of the companies he and Anthony owned or they received a severance package that not even you would balk at, which he paid from his own pockets.” Clarke saw the surprise on his old friend’s face and gave him a curt nod. “See no one ever tells the whole story. All I can tell you, is if my son is offering to help you out I’d suggest you accept it because, Dorian and that cousin of his knows how to make money.”
Terrance promised to think about it more before he made a final decision.
Ben stood before his father telling him what he’d learned about Cerita. “Do you at least know when and where the damn wedding is to be held?” Eustis demanded.
“For some reason they are keeping it all hush hush. I know the shop is supposed to be closed next week, but I’m not sure if it is because of the wedding or because of the holidays.”
Eustis wanted to walk over and slap the shit out of his worthless ass son, but than
ks to that damned witch, he couldn’t even feel enough to take a damn piss or to prevent himself from shitting on himself. Eustis knew he had to do something and soon, before his son did to him what he’d done to his father. Ben was more like him than he wanted to admit. He could see Ben bumping him off just as he’d bumped off his own father. Eustis remembered how he’d listened to his father praise the immortals his so called friends. He wondered what his father thought about his so called friends when none of them came to save him as he lay dying from the knife he’d plunged in his back while he was talking to one of his immortal buddies telepathically. He’d seen the hatred in Ben’s eyes and knew that if given the chance, Ben would end his life without a second thought. That was why he never gave his little piece of shit offspring the opportunity by insisting he had someone with him around the clock. He had someone watching over him while he slept.
“I don’t care how you do it, but you need to find out when and where that wedding is to be held. I want this finished before she bond’s with that bastard white boy.”
Ben watched as his father’s flunky pushed his father out of the room his eyes narrowing. He wished he had a moment alone with the old bastard to show him who was really in charge. Oh yeah, he would find out when and where the wedding was going to be held and he’d tell his father, because he planned on having Cerita hidden away long before his father or that white boy realized what he’d done.
Cerita checked her lips in the mirror before she headed out of the powder room turning she came face to face with the blonde terror.
“So I guess the catering business is very profitable if you are able to afford to attend a party like this.” She said snidely, trying to embarrass her in front of the other women in the room. Sherri knew most of the women there were very high society and had little tolerance for working class. Before Cerita could answer one of the women walked over to her.