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Dorian's Mate Page 2
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Anthony looked from the caterer to his cousin and was shocked.
“Don’t say a word okay, not a word,” Dorian warned.
Once all the guests were gone, Cerita and her team went to work on putting Dorian’s home back as they had found it. She was in the kitchen doing her final sweep and as always she was the last one to leave making sure that nothing was left behind or out of place.
“So I think everything was perfect,” Dorian said lounging in the doorway leading to the foyer.
“I will have to agree with you on that, even though you tried to hog the cheese puffs.”
Dorian laughed at her comment, if she only knew that every time he ate one of her cheese puffs, he imagined tasting her. “Well I am really hooked, so I may have to trouble you for a weekly supply.”
It was her turn to laugh, but she stopped when he seemed to be serious.
“I saw one of your brochures and it stated that you go to some clients homes and prepare weekly meals for them to eat.” Cerita nodded and he continued. “I have a good friend, he and his wife adopted three kids, a little girl and her two brothers ranging in age from four to thirteen. I purchased a three week cruise for them as a little getaway present to give them a break away from the kids. While they are away, my godchildren will be staying with me. Anthony said he’d help out, but I know that he knows as much as I do when it comes to dealing with what kids need. So tonight while I was enjoying my cheese puffs, I had the idea of hiring you to help me out for the three weeks that the kids would be here.”
Cerita smiled, “I’m sorry Mr. Latouche, but my company doesn’t do babysitting.”
Dorian stood before her, “I know that Cerita, what I’m asking is for you prepare their meals. I don’t know what kids like to eat and I know Roland and Thelma have a special diet for them so that would limit how much junk food I can give them.” He saw the indecision in her eyes and pressed on, “Look I don’t care how much it will cost me I’ll pay it. These kids are important to me because Roland is like a brother to Anthony and I and this trip is something I want them to enjoy without having to worry about the kids.”
Not wanting to appear to give in so easily, she promised to think about it. “I’ll discuss it with my partner to make sure if we decide to take this on that the shift of our other clients from my plate to her plate won’t be too much for her and our team.”
Dorian kept his face blank not wanting to reveal the joy he felt because he sensed that she’d decided to do it. “That is all that I can ask,” he said walking her to the door fighting the urge to pull her into his arms and kiss her. Biting back the urge, consoling himself that if it all worked out as planned, he’d get more than a kiss from her.
Dorian lay in bed wondering what Cerita was doing and if she was having as much trouble as he was trying to get to sleep. He was aching for her and tempted to show up at her home…with that thought he materialized inside her bedroom. He knew he shouldn’t be there but he couldn’t help himself. With a wave of his hand he removed the sheet covering her body, his breath lodged in his chest at the sight of her naked form lying before him. Cerita lay on her back, her legs and arms spread out around her. He watched her full breasts rise and fall as she breathed deeply in sleep. His mouth watered at the thought of tasting every inch of her. Dorian stayed rooted where he was, knowing that if he took a step towards her, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from climbing in bed with her and taking her. He saw her body shiver slightly, with another wave of his hand he recovered her body before he flashed back into his chamber, groaning at the pain of his aching and hungry cock.
Chapter Three
Stephanie sat behind her desk watching as her best friend and partner pace before her. Cerita’s apprehension about accepting the job she’d discussed with Mr. Latouche surprised her. Normally Cerita would jump at an opportunity like this, where a client said that no price was too high and it wasn’t like they couldn’t handle it. Most of the things they had going for their regular clients were planned out for the next six months. She had a feeling her friend was afraid of what the fine ass Mr. Latouche made her feel.
“I can promise you that the gang and I can handle the regulars for three weeks and if we need something of your specialty, I’m sure that Mr. Latouche wouldn’t have a problem with your cooking up things for the business in his kitchen. Now why don’t you tell me what is really bothering you,” Stephanie stated.
“I’ve been having very intimate dreams about Dorian and when I’m around him I feel as if I’m a second away from begging him to fuck me senseless.” Her confession surprised her more than it had Stephanie.
“That is what frightens you the most, isn’t it?” Stephanie said coming to stand beside her friend. “This man inspires the passion that no other man has been able to draw from you, men like Ben see the passion inside you when you cook or plan for our business. When they get you behind closed doors they don’t even scratch the surface, but with Dorian just being in the room with you, you feel the passion missing from your love life. You fear that being in his home taking care of him and the kids you won’t be able to keep your distance or to keep that passion under wraps.” Stephanie looked her friend in the eye and saw the turmoil Cerita was dealing with, but she knew that her friend would make the right decision and she had the feeling her friend had finally met her mate.
Cerita thought about her conversation with Stephanie long after she’d made it home and she realized Stephanie was right. She was afraid of what Dorian made her feel, the dreams she had concerning him coming to her bedroom nightly watching her while she slept wishing that he would do more than watch her…hoping that he would join her in bed and fuck her like she’d never been fucked before. At just the thought of him doing just that had her body overheating. Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her phone.
“Hello?” she answered softly.
“You sound tired, did I wake you?” Dorian asked concerned.
A delicious shiver went down her spine at the deep sensual sound of his voice.
“Uh no, I was just relaxing a bit. I was going to call you to find out the particulars as to when your godchildren would be arriving.”
Dorian smiled she was going to take the job. “I’m really glad that you are going to come to my rescue, but I need to bother you with another favor. The reason I’m calling is because I have need of your company’s services for a retirement party for one of my father’s long time friends.”
“By the way you sound I take it that this party needs to be pulled off soon.”
“You have it right, my mother and aunt called me last night to say they would be back in town Thursday and want to have the party Friday.”
Cerita checked her planner and no parties were scheduled for the rest of the week. “As luck would have it, we can pull it off. I just need to know a little about the guest of honor so that I can plan the meal.”
Dorian gave her the particulars concerning his dad’s friend with a list of things his mother and aunt suggested the man would like. “I know the party isn’t for me, but do you think we could have some cheese puffs on the menu?”
Laughing, Cerita promised to fax the menu over the following day for him to go over and make any changes he felt were necessary.
Anthony walked into Dorian’s office to go over the budget set for their charitable foundations, which was funny considering how ruthless his cousin was when he was closing a deal. He was a little startled to see his cousin smiling as he was hanging up the phone. “Was that by any chance Sherri?” he inquired.
“Hell no and you know she wouldn’t waste time by calling, I actually expect her to show up any minute now with the excuse of helping with the party,” Dorian responded.
“You know that woman wants you. I don’t know why you don’t just take what the hell she is offering and be done with it,” Anthony suggested.
“For one thing you know that Sherri isn’t the type to just give it up without trying to tie you to her. She is look
ing for a husband and I’m not going to be her sucker and even if I wasn’t on to what her scheme is, I’m not attracted to her like that.” There was only one woman he was attracted to and the only woman that he would have.
Cerita called everyone together to inform them of the retirement party scheduled for Friday evening. After Angela and Jerome went to get the decorations, she and Stephanie created the menu. The main course would be a prime rib with new potatoes and grilled vegetables. For appetizers she would make her famous crab cakes along with shrimp toast and celery sticks stuffed with crab salad. At the very bottom she added cheese puffs. She knew Dorian would get a kick out of her private joke. After the meeting Cerita checked inventory to make sure they had everything on hand all the while trying to keep her mind on the job at hand and not on the man.
Dorian walked into his office and froze in the doorway when he spotted Sherri standing behind his desk reading what appeared to be the menu from Cerita. “Is there a reason you are reading confidential information on my desk?” Dorian asked in a cold voice closing the door behind him.
Sherri jumped at the cold sound of his voice, “Dorian you startled me, I was going over this ridiculous menu that someone faxed to you for the party Friday, I was about to call them and tell them that their services weren’t needed. I can find another caterer that can come up with a better menu than this crap.”
Dorian walked over to her and snatched the menu out of her hand, “The party is already planned and it is too late to cancel and find another caterer and considering I’m happy with my caterer there is no need to change.”
Sherri’s impeccably made up face turned a bright pink as her anger rose. “How can you accept that menu? You cannot expect my uncle to enjoy a menu like that especially the little note about cheese puffs, they don’t even go along with everything else on the menu.”
Dorian glanced at the menu and saw the asterisk next to cheese puffs and he smiled, but the smile faded when he remembered his unwanted guest. Sherri was the classic spoiled rich beauty, if you were the type who liked the blonde haired blue eyed debutante type, which he didn’t. If it weren’t for her snotty attitude she could have been a very likable person. Knowing her uncle like he did, he wondered where it had come from. “Sherri, the party is all set and nothing is going to be changed and so you won’t be tempted to make any changes to the menu, I’m going to finalize everything now.”
Sherri watched as he signed the menu accepting what was listed and faxed it back to the catering company. Well she would just show up at his place before everyone arrived and make sure that things went the way she wanted them. Somehow she would show Dorian that he needed her in his life and the night of the party after everyone left she would show him what he could have on a daily basis.
Chapter Four
Cerita let herself inside Dorian’s home going straight for the kitchen to start working on the cheese puffs. She’d already made a trip here earlier with Angela in the van and dropped off the veggie and cheese trays along with the shrimp toast and stuffed celery sticks. She had just placed the first batch of cheese puffs in the oven when a beautiful olive skinned older woman walked into the kitchen. Her salt and pepper colored hair was cut into a short style, her eyes were a lighter shade of blue than those of Dorian, she was sure that she was his mother.
“Hi, you must be Cerita. I’m Glenda Latouche, Dorian’s mother. It’s nice to meet you,” she said holding out her hand to her.
Cerita accepted her hand liking the woman immediately.
“I was coming down to offer my assistance, but I can see that you have everything under control.”
Cerita smiled, “If you are hungry I always bring extra. Dorian explained that you guys would arrive late last night.” She offered a platter with samples of every appetizer that would be served at the party. They both looked up when three other people joined them. Cerita knew the men were Anthony and Dorian’s fathers and the woman had to be Anthony’s mother. The twins had to be at least in their late fifties but they didn’t look a day over forty.
Glenda made the introductions as Cerita pulled out more samples.
“Please tell me we will be having this stuff at the party tonight?” Kimberly Latouche asked as she popped stuffed celery into her mouth.
“Yes along with everything else that you’ve sampled,” Cerita informed her. Cerita turned to remove the cheese puffs from the oven just as the doorbell chimed.
Kim went to answer it and moved just in time for Sherri to blow past her heading for the kitchen.
Stephanie walked in behind her carrying the decoration and Cerita’s uniform. She followed the snotty bitch that thought she was going to change their menu for tonight’s party.
“You may as well toss those cheese puffs straight into the garbage, because they are not going to be served at this party tonight,” Sherri said so intent on her mission she missed the other occupants of the room.
“Unless your last name is Latouche, you have no say so in what is prepared and served at this evening’s party. So I suggest you back up and let us do our job.”
“Sherri, I suggest you leave the party to the professionals and considering the party doesn’t start for another couple of hours, I think it would be best if you left and came back with the other invited guests.”
Sherri was stunned that Glenda Latouche was there along with Dorian’s father, aunt and uncle. “I’m sorry Mrs. Latouche, I was just trying to instruct…”
Glenda cut her off, “No you were trying to make changes that I’m sure my son didn’t authorize you to make. Apparently Cerita received the signed menu from Dorian agreeing to what she had listed on it. Now we have a lot of work to do before the guests start to arrive so you need to leave so that you won’t be in the way.”
Dorian felt the anger coming from Cerita and immediately headed for the kitchen with Anthony trailing behind him. He eased behind her listening to his mother put Sherri in her place. It took everything in him to keep his anger under wraps as he would not tolerate anyone upsetting Cerita. “I suppose you came here to make changes to my menu behind my back. If you weren’t Jerry’s niece I would tell you to leave and not bother with returning, but since this isn’t my party I’ll allow you to return for his benefit only.”
Sherri decided to show him how important she was to him, “Dorian the menu doesn’t work especially with those cheese puffs,” she said glaring at Cerita.
“For your information, the cheese puffs were added for my benefit that is why they were listed at the bottom of the menu. Cerita made those specifically for me and me alone. Now I suggest you do as my mother instructed you,” he said dismissing her as he walked over to the cheese puffs Cerita had cooling on the rack.
With a huff, Sherri stormed out of the kitchen.
Anthony walked over to where his cousin stood and reached for one of the cheese puffs causing his cousin to growl at him.
Without thought, Cerita admonished him, “Cut that out you have another pan in the oven and there are some in the freezer for you to heat up whenever you are ready for them.”
Kim nudged her sister-in-law at the scene unfolding before them.
Stephanie walked in drawing attention to her, “Partner it’s time for you to get changed.”
Cerita accepted her uniform from Stephanie and quickly made introductions, before she excused herself to change.
Dorian went up to his room to get changed for the party and he had a feeling that he wouldn’t be saved from someone commenting on the scene in the kitchen. As soon as he stepped out of the shower he found Anthony lounging on the bed.
“Is Cerita the person you were talking to when I came into your office the other day?” Anthony inquired.
No use in denying it, Dorian thought to himself. “Yes she is and yes I’m attracted to her,” Dorian confessed.
“I think you are a little more than attracted to her my friend,” Anthony said smiling as his cousin had finally fallen.
Cerita did her final walk
through to make sure everything was put to rights and all decorations and trash had been removed. She made the final inspection of the kitchen as she grabbed her purse and bags. Turning she found Dorian lounging in the doorway, his tie was gone and his white dress shirt was opened to the third button and he looked sexy as hell. “Everything is put to rights and I’m on my way out, but I wanted to confirm when your godchildren would be here.”
“Roland confirmed they will be here next week,” he responded. Dorian stared at her across the island separating them, taking in her beauty as his hunger for her rose within him. “Everyone had a good time and really enjoyed the food,” he said conversationally.
Cerita smiled, “Everyone except the little blonde terror.”
Dorian laughed, “Well what she thought doesn’t count,” he said shrugging.
Cerita walked over to stand before him her eyes never leaving his. “What is it about you that pulls and draws me to you?” She questioned running the tips of her fingers across his sensual lips.
Dorian opened his mouth to capture her fingers, nipping lightly. “I have to guess it is the same thing pulling me to you,” he responded. “The question is what are we going to do about it?” He asked resting his hands on her waist.
Cerita sighed deeply, “I don’t know what we should do, but it just seems too strong to ignore.”
Dorian captured her mouth with his, taking complete possession, pulling her body flush against his allowing her to feel what she did to him…how she affected him. His hand gripping her firm ass pressing her body as close to his as he could and when his hand slid beneath the short skirt and encountered the smooth flesh of her ass, his control snapped. Dorian slid his hand between the twin globes of her ass snapping the small strip of cloth away, to stroke her puckered anal hole before sliding forward to her wet pussy lips.