Dorian's Mate Read online

  Dorian’s Mate


  Y.L. Stokes


  Always to the love of my life Roosevelt Stokes and to my wonderful kids. A special note, this one is for you Shirley.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Dorian’s Mate by YL Stokes

  Red Rose™ Publishing

  Publishing with a touch of Class! ™

  The symbol of the Red Rose and Red Rose is a trademark of Red Rose™ Publishing

  Red Rose™ Publishing

  Copyright© 2011 YL Stokes

  ISBN: 978-1-4543-0065-6

  Cover Artist: Dawné Dominique

  Editor: Pam

  Line Editor: Red Rose™ Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. Due to copyright laws you cannot trade, sell or give any ebooks away.

  This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

  Red Rose™ Publishing

  Forestport, NY 13338

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  comes with a touch of Class!

  Dorian’s Mate


  Y.L. Stokes

  Chapter One

  Dorian came awake when he felt a disturbance inside his home. He didn’t sense anything evil or harmful to him, but there was someone above his resting place just the same. He normally slept up in the master bedroom on the second floor, but every once in a while his body needed the rejuvenating sleep of his kind. During that deep sleep, his body completely shuts down to fully reverse the damage the sun does after a few weeks of sleeping as a mortal. Young immortals needed to sleep the rejuvenating sleep at least once a week, but as they matured the need for the deep sleep became only a once or twice a month requirement some times more as in his case especially when he didn’t shut his system down like he should.

  He slept in a sealed chamber beneath the basement of his home once in the chamber the door could only be opened from the inside. Checking the digital clock on the night stand, it showed it was eight thirty in the morning, which meant he’d only gotten eight hours of sleep. With a growl he threw the covers off of his naked body and climbed out of the huge sleigh bed and with a simple thought he dressed himself as he headed for the door. He wondered who was in his home and how in the hell they’d gotten inside and if they didn’t have a plausible reason there would be hell to pay.

  Cerita let herself inside of the huge Victorian styled home, wondering about the owner. She thought it strange the girlfriend was planning a surprise dinner party for the owner, but charging Cerita’s fees to his charge card seemed a little backwards to her to have the person who the surprise party was for, footing the bill. With a shrug she went through the house getting the layout, figuring out in her head as she went along where she would place the decorations and set up the food. As she went along, she mentally checked off the list of things she had out in the van and the things her assistant Angela was bringing with her. Cerita decided to start on the appetizers. Angela would be bringing the main course, which consisted of the grilled pork loin and grilled vegetables.

  The spinach salad was chilling in the commercial frig along with the vegetable trays. She washed her hands and started frying up the roasted garlic croutons. Her mind again wondered to the owner as she only knew that his name was Dorian Latouche and from what she could tell of his home, he was a very wealthy man. He was probably an old shriveled up white man who was afraid to grow old and was running around with a young bimbo who only wanted his money, but was giving him all the sex his Viagra could handle. Hell it was better than what she was getting considering she’d dumped her latest boyfriend since she got more enjoyment pleasuring herself, than she had with the minute man.

  Cerita knew that sex wasn’t everything in a relationship, but didn’t being in a committed relationship mean great sex all the time or a great fuck, without having to worry about catching a sexually transmitted disease? She’d dated Ben for two months before she’d let him have a taste of her sweetness. Granted he’d been a little awkward at first and she’d just contributed that to them being new to each other and she’d hoped it would get better. Unfortunately it hadn’t and finally after going four months of having to pleasure herself after Ben had gone home, she’d finally ended things with him. Ben hadn’t been real receptive to her reason for ending the relationship with him, but she’d stuck to the story that her business was taking up more of her time, especially since she was now going into homes and preparing full meals for special clients. That alone had been the start of an argument between them. Ben didn’t like her going into a stranger’s home and preparing their meals for the week, especially when the client was a single male. Oh well it was her life and her business and she wouldn’t allow Ben or anyone else to tell her what she could and could not do.

  Dorian knew as soon as he’d opened the door of his chamber that the intruder was a woman and the scent of her had his body reacting like it never had before as she smelled of warm peaches with a hint of cinnamon. He tried to read her mind, but for some reason he come up against barriers that blocked him. Frowning he decided to cloak his presence while he observed her. He glided up the stairs leading to the main level following the scent of the woman to his kitchen where he found the loveliest creature he’d ever seen in his life.

  The ebony beauty was a full figured woman with the height of the ancient Amazon warrior, which did nothing to take away from her sensual beauty and the graceful way she moved and put her on eye level with him. He watched as she quickly worked in his kitchen preparing what looked to be croutons and by the smell he guessed them to be garlic flavored croutons. His mouth watered and he wasn’t sure if it was from the smell of the croutons or the beautiful woman working in his kitchen. He watched fascinated as she turned to remove a tray of something out of his oven and his cock throbbed hungrily when she bent over giving him a view of her perfectly rounded ass in the skimpy jean shorts she wore.

  Dorian quickly swallowed the groan that nearly escaped at the lovely sight. Several images raced through his head at the different ways in which he would take her.

  “Is anyone there?” she called out placing the puffs on the baking rack to cool.

  Dorian froze wondering how she was able to sense him, because he knew she wasn’t able to see him. He felt her anxiety and decided that it was time to reveal himself to her, time to find out who the beauty was and what was she doing in his home and then he would get her into his bed. “Excuse me, but what are you doing in my home?” Dorian demanded having uncloaked himself behind her.

  Cerita jumped grabbing at her heart wondering where in the hell this man had come from. As her heart beat wildly in her chest, she took in the sight of the fine ass man standing before her. “I’m sorry…” Cerita said remembering that he’d asked her a question.

  Dorian kept his face blank even when he saw the desire flare in her eyes and with her thrown off guard, he was able to slip past her barriers long enough to catch a glimpse of what was running through her mind. He had to swallow another groan at the image that flashed in her head. He tried not to laugh at
her thinking he was a shriveled up old man.

  “I asked you what you were doing in my home,” he repeated keeping his tone flat.

  “I’m sorry, but I was told that you wouldn’t be expected home until late this afternoon.”

  Dorian raised an eyebrow, “And that makes it okay for you to be here.” He countered getting more turned on by the minute.

  Cerita closed her eyes and took a deep breath, “I’m sorry you just caught me off guard. My company was hired to prepare your home for a surprised dinner party for you tonight. Your girlfriend hired me to come in and decorate and prepare the meal that is to be served during the party.”

  The sound of her voice shouldn’t have affected him, but it did. The rich alto sound flowed through him like warm honey, luckily he was standing behind the island or she would surely see his huge erection. Dorian frowned “I don’t have a girlfriend…” He trailed off when he realized the party wasn’t for him, but for his cousin.

  “Are you telling me that I’m at the wrong house and you don’t have a girlfriend by the name of Larissa Miles?” Cerita asked him.

  “No you aren’t at the wrong house, the party is for my cousin Anthony, and Larissa is his girlfriend. She’d mentioned throwing a dinner party for him, but I kind of tuned her out when she was trying to involve me in the planning. I’m sorry to cause you to panic, Larissa is a dear but she can be very tiring. I really don’t know how Anthony puts up with her.” Dorian said absently as he picked up a crouton and popped it into his mouth. “These are good did you make them from scratch?” he asked.

  “Yes, I make everything that we serve from scratch,” Cerita answered watching as he popped a few more croutons in his mouth before moving to the cheese puffs. “Um, I know you are paying for this, but the amount that I quoted to Larissa only included fifty of those.”

  Dorian shrugged, “Add another fifty because I’m going to eat these by myself.”

  Cerita couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face. “Only because I can tell you are enjoying those then I won’t take offense.”

  The smile she gave him was like a sucker punch right into the gut and it instantly caused his cock to jump. He wondered if her eyes would light up like that while he made love to her…oh yeah, he would make sure that they did. “My name is Dorian Latouche, by the way,” he said holding out his hand to her.

  “I’m Cerita Jones,” she said accepting his hand. The sound of the doorbell chimes helped to clear the cobwebs from her head. “Um, that is probably my assistant,” she whispered.

  “You go ahead and finish what you were doing I’ll go and let her in.”

  Alone in the kitchen Cerita tried to get her body under control. She wasn’t sure what had come over her, but whatever it was, it was something powerful. Cerita had jumped grabbing at her heart wondering when he’d made his presence known, and she could see that he was a fine ass man.

  The first thing she had noticed was the color of his eyes, which were deep sky blue and they were surrounded by jet black long eyelashes. His equally black hair flowed past his shoulders, but was tied back by a leather thong. He had broad shoulders and well muscled arms and his chest were well defined even beneath the clothing he wore. The image that flashed in her mind of her nails digging into his shoulders and chest as she rode him…she quickly shook her head to dispel the images. Cerita had thought he was the son, but he’d dispelled that notion when he’d introduced himself. She took a moment to step into the commercial freezer to try and cool her body off and to get her raging hormones under control.

  Dorian opened the front door to find a petite perky dark skinned woman standing on the other side. She was carrying several bags that should have weighed her down, but they didn’t.

  “Hi, I’m Angela I believe my boss Cerita is here waiting for me. I hope the surprise party isn’t for you because if it was the surprise is blown.”

  Dorian smiled at the young woman as she chatted on. He quickly probed her mind and was glad that there weren’t any barriers like those he’d encountered with Cerita. Luckily he was able to get the information he needed on the young woman’s boss, which he filed away for future use. “Do you need any help bringing things in?” Dorian offered upon returning to the kitchen.

  “No thank you, my partner and the rest of our staff should be here within the hour to help complete the decorations,” she said smiling.

  Dorian fought the urge to freeze the little assistant and take Cerita where she stood instead he picked up the rest of his cheese puffs and left them to finish their work.

  Dorian made his way back down to his chamber where he booted up the monitors he had throughout the house. His cock throbbed as Cerita filled the screen, turning up the volume he let the sound of her voice soothe the beast within him.

  “Stephanie should be here any moment with the rest of the food and your change of clothes.” Angela informed her as she placed the last bag on the counter.

  “That’s good, we are right on schedule with everything,”

  “I thought that Dorian was the guest of honor and you know how I chatter on about things when I’m nervous. I have to tell you that I darn near swooned when he opened the door, at first I thought the party was for him, but when I realized it wasn’t I was almost on my knees begging him to take me right there in the hallway.” Angela smiled at the stare on Cerita’s face at her confession. “I know boss lady, I love my black men, but that is one fine ass white man and if I wasn’t madly in love with my Jerome, I’d have to try Mr. Latouche out.” Angela left Cerita laughing as she went to open the door for the rest of the crew.

  She was still smiling when Stephanie walked into the kitchen looking as if she’d just stepped off a fashion show runway. Her blonde hair flowed down around her shoulders and the custom uniform they wore when they worked a party looked as if it were tailor made just for her body. She had the nice average height of the stereotype of the classic blonde bombshell and you expected to see a classic Ken doll on her arm, but what no one knew was that outward appearances were deceiving. Stephanie was her best friend and partner and was happily married to Cerita’s brother Cedrick.

  “I hear that Jerome came real close to losing Angela,” Stephanie commented as she entered the room.

  “Angela is full of crap, but the man is definitely fine as hell.” Ceria saw the shocked look on Stephanie’s face, but knew her friend wouldn’t say anything yet.

  Chapter Two

  Looking around his ballroom Dorian liked what he saw. The decorations were perfect, they were subtle and not overbearing or gauche. He checked his watch and saw it was just about time for Larissa to arrive and for that he had to brace himself. His thoughts were interrupted when his cell phone chirped in his pocket. Checking the display he saw it was the chauffer calling to let him know Anthony’s plane had just landed and they would be here within the hour. He was heading for the door but froze when Cerita walked out of the kitchen to the door and in the outfit she wore almost brought him to his knees. The black and white tuxedo short set was sexy as hell on her and he knew he was going to have trouble keeping his eyes off of her tonight. Closing his eyes, he willed his body under control, but it didn’t work, lucky for him he’d decided upon wearing his linen slacks which were looser than his normal dress slacks.

  Larissa flew into the house, past a stunned Cerita, “Oh my gosh Dorian, have you heard from Anthony?” she demanded.

  “I just got the call from the chauffer and he should be here within the hour,” he said trying to soothe her but knew it was useless. He watched as she flew around him to check on the decorations and the food. “Everything is set and ready and I can promise you that the food is excellent, especially the cheese puffs. All you have to do is play the gracious hostess.” Dorian said trailing behind her, wishing that he was anywhere but here. He could feel a headache beginning right behind his left eye and when she let out a sharp squeal at the sight of the ballroom, he almost cried out as the pain in his head spiked.

“Here, if you take this now before it gets to bad, you’ll be able to enjoy some of the evening.”

  When his hand brushed against hers the pain was gone and forgotten, but he took the pills just the same. The fact that she’d noticed his discomfort and took the time to provide him with something to alleviate the pain did something to him, but before he could comment other than to thank her, the doorbell chimed and she turned and walked away.

  Anthony was totally shocked by the surprise party, even more shocked that his cousin had allowed it to be given at his house. He knew how much Dorian protected his privacy and the fact that he’d allowed strangers inside his home to set everything up just for his benefit meant a lot. He and Dorian had been close all their lives, they were more like brothers than first cousins. Since their father’s were brothers, twins as a matter of fact, most people thought he and Dorian were brothers because they looked so much a like. Anthony took in the decorations and still couldn’t believe Dorian didn’t have a fit when he found out Larissa had used his key to allow the caterers to enter and set everything up.

  Anthony glanced at his cousin and noticed the way his eyes kept straying to the tall black woman working the party. He walked over to where his cousin stood and when he reached for one of the cheese puffs on his plate, Dorian growled at him.

  Anthony snatched his hand back quickly,

  “Get your own, these are mine.”

  Anthony stared at him in surprise, but before he could comment the same woman his cousin had been eyeing walked up and handed him a plate of his own.

  “Please excuse him for being selfish,” she said before turning to walk away.

  “Thank you Cerita,” Dorian said as she walked away.